How Was Macbeth Responsible

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The Responsibility of Macbeth
Shakespeare has been known to be one of the best literature writers of all time. His storylines and character archetypes come back in our recent stories, movies, and life regularly. He uses character traits everyone can relate to. Macbeth by Shakespeare is best known for the sane man of Macbeth transforming into a bloodthirsty, mad ruler. But what leads Macbeth to his fatal tragedy? Guilt. Guilt is when you know you committed wrong, and are worried of the punishment that will entitle you because you are a responsible person. I believe Macbeth shows the natural human characteristic of being responsible very well, for it drove him to his grave.
Macbeth is a very responsible person. He is responsible for defending his king and being a good host. In the beginning of the tragedy he did just that. He killed Macdonwald for King Duncan and …show more content…

He took it to be his responsibility to try and take charge and destroy what he believed was ¨evil¨ in his culture. Even if he was very racist towards the gypsies blaming them for all the said evil in the world, Claude Frollo believed he was responsible for what he thought was bad. When he wanted to take advantage of one of the gypsy girls, he felt his responsibility broken. Frollo becomes very guilty about his thoughts. He sings, “It’s not my fault- I am not to blame- It is the gypsy girl- the witch who sent this flame- It’s not my fault- If it’s God’s plan- He made the devil- so much stronger than a man.” (Hunchback of Notre Dame). Frollo’s responsible and narrow minded nature becomes guilty for he believes he is falling in the “devil’s” trap. He is using psychology’s Sigmund Freud's defense mechanism of projection. This means he is feeling guilty inside for his evil actions, so he attributes his actions onto other people. If he blames other people for being worse than he is, his responsible personality feels better

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