How To Write An Essay On The Call Of The Wild

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I am writing about the call of the wild book it was fun and had adventure in it but it was what not what I expected. I expected for it to have all different species in it and did not talk about one dog but the way it was. Was fun and it was full of excitement and even know john Thornton was not in the book it was still fun having buck in the book. Now I will tell you some parts of the story I like. There are some parts I did not like. To find out what I am going to talk about you will have to read the next paragraph.

In this paragraph I will talk about the like that I had with the book call of the wild. When the book started out buck was in a nice home and he was living the dream. What I like about chapter one was that buck was a city dog and he did not know what snow was and he did not like snow because he was a city boy in the hot climate and he did not understand but soon buck got together and loved snow. Then I like the part where buck could not find anybody and he was going through camp and tried to go into his master’s camp. Then he fell through snow and got licked by another dog. He found out how to stay warm I the heavy snow by morning buck had forgot where he was and he jump out of the hole. His master said dang he can jump that what I like about the beginning of the book. …show more content…

I liked the part where buck was changed by spits but buck was mad spits. So they fought for leadership and they fought for ever and ever and then buck got spits neck and never let go and buck was the new dog sled leader. And I lied where buck was trying to get to the front of the pack. But he did not make it he was thrown by his master and replaced by one of the other dogs. Then buck kept trying and he would be pushing the other dog away. Then his master put him in the

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