How To Write A Personal Narrative Essay

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One of my first memories was of being in a lawyer’s office accompanied by my mother, while being asked to testify against my father; a court case that deemed I could only spend a few hours every Saturday with my father. Whom was labeled as an unsafe guardian, within a year, those hours grew until I lived full time with my father. Despite my father being unsafe to raise me, my mother was too busy raising herself to raise her son. My parents’ divorce was the cataclysmic event of my life, shaping my schooling, both my failures alongside my eventual successes, from when I was in middle school up till now. I was twelve years old and I had won the lottery; a lottery granting access to Federal Way Public Academy, a school for intellectuals. I had trust issues, was mostly shut off from the world, moreover I was living with a volatile man who was prone to smash holes in the walls of our home in a rage. I needed someplace nurturing and caring, I hoped school could be that place. What I reaped in lieu of was a place where I was ostracized within my …show more content…

At last I rediscovered a lost love of mine: writing. I’ve always had a powerful history with writing, my deepest rooted early school memories are of being recognized for it. Annually I was chosen as the student to write a short story for a writer’s conference. For years, I would be recognized for my record high written test scores, which brought the feeling that not only do I love writing but that writer is part of my identity. All of this contributed to my allegiance of the written word. Only my love for stories that writing produces overpowers my love for writing itself. From books to video games to movies, if it contains a well-written story, I’ve been quick to devour it from the time when I was a child. That, above anything, has driven me to pursue a degree in English and

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