How To Write A Military Autobiography

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I am the 2nd and the last child born. I have one older sister. I was born into a military family and traveled many places. When I was of age to really know what was going on my family was stationed in Fort Benning, Georgia. Both my mother and father were in the Army, but once we were in Georgia only my mother continued her career in the Army. I never really knew what all my mother did at work, all I knew is that every day I saw her leave before my school bus came in a uniform and black boot. It took me years to finally figure out that my mother is a soldier fighting a war. I found that out the day my mother had to leave my sister and I with my father because she was being deployed for a year.
What a joy, my father had to girls and no boys. …show more content…

My father stated that he didn’t know how to do hair, but he learned through trial and error. My dad did burn the ends of my hair one time while trying to curl it, but I lived. My father told me that he never thought about how much he would have to go to the store to buy our famine products for us and never knew how much we needed it because my mother did all of that. My father stated that he was able to see how much my mother did that he didn’t realize every day for us. Yes, my father has always been in the picture, but he left all the “girly stuff” for my mother to handle with us. My father stated that he didn’t realize how much my mother did and it made him more appreciative in the …show more content…

Which was another thing that my father had to deal with the “TALK”. Since my mother wasn’t around, she felt that she could go anywhere she pleased. My father had to put his foot down. I would say when my mother was around, she was the one putting her foot down. My father was the one that you could go to when my mother said no. He was considered that nice parent. It was different for him then to be the one putting his foot down, but it needed to be done.
With my mother being gone for a year. When reviewing my story the message that it have for me is that a man can take on the responsibility as caring for two girls and actually do very well. A father’s love is just as important as a mother. My mother was in a good situation to have someone to watch us well she was deployed. I think that my father played a very important role in my life. I became closer to my father than I was before. My father told me that he learned a lot from my sister and

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