How To Write A Literary Analysis Essay On The Crucible

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The Crucible Literary Analysis “The knowledge of sin is the beginning of salvation” quote by, Epicurus. A tragedy play, The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller is set in the Puritan town of Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692 during the Witch Trials. The protagonist, John Proctor, is a tormented individual who has a hard time forgiving himself due to his sin of committing adultery. John Proctor develops throughout the play, at first he is seen as a fearful man then he becomes courageous and lastly he shows his brave side. At the beginning of the play, John only cares about his personal issues and he is afraid of getting involved. John’s fear reveals the theme of, when one conceals one's sins, one leaves one's self vulnerable to one's enemies. When …show more content…

I’ll not give my wife to vengeance” (Miller 77). John means that Abigail is doing this so she could take his wife's place but he cannot tell this to anyone because his sin of lechery would be exposed. Abigail knows that John cannot fight for his wife because he would have to admit to lechery. So Abigail is taking advantage of their sin and using it against Elizabeth because Elizabeth is trying to ruin Abigail's reputation in the town. This situation leaves Proctor feeling vulnerable because in order to save Elizabeth he would have to admit to his sin. In the end of act two, Proctor tells Mary that she will testify with him in the court, however, Mary warns him, “She’ll kill me for saying that Abigail’ll charge lechery on you, Mr. Proctor” (Miller 80). Even Mary knows that Abigail will tell on Proctor if he tries to save his wife. Abigail is holding something huge on John and he knows it, that's why he never tried to get involved. Abigail knows that John is vulnerable, so she is using his fear against him and wants to kill Elizabeth and marry him. If John was brave and admitted to his lechery before, then none of this would have happened which shows his …show more content…

John’s bravery reveals the theme of, it is better to sacrifice one's life than one's principle. When Proctor confesses, he refuses to sign the paper, “I have three children- how may I teach them to walk like men in the world, and I sold my friends” (Miller 143). This shows that Proctor does not want his dishonorable behavior to affect his children and he would rather die. If he will sign the confessions then he is basically giving the court the right to hang all the innocent lives. He cannot bear the knowledge that his signature will be used to condemn other innocent lives. Proctor’s bravery prevented him from selling his friends and he disagrees to sign the confession since that will not only ruin his reputation, but his kids reputation as well. At the end, he finds his goodness: “I see some shred of goodness in John Proctor. Not enough to weave a banner with, but white enough to keep it from such dogs” (Miller 144). This implies that he is satisfied with his decision and he finally finds his goodness. Which proves that he is brave because he refused to sell his friends and sacrifice his principles, instead he sacrificed his life but he died with honor. After committing sins and acting cowardly, he finally shows heroic attributions and finds his salvation. John does not allow them to take his goodness away from him and died with a good name. The results of his bravery is that he was able to find his goodness

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