How To Write A Healthy Dental Hygiene College Essay

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Helping others to achieve healthy dental hygiene is an important goal of mine. This profession will provide me with a rewarding hands-on job. Promoting dental health, developing health policy and preventing disease are the major roles I will encounter. This career offers a flexible schedule and can be worked part time or full time, which will give me balance for my life. I first took an interest in this career path when I was around eleven years old. I remember my dentist and dental hygienist being calm and understanding, and that was always something I hoped I could do for others. One of the rewards I will gain from this is being able to share the importance of healthy dental hygiene and their happiness of having healthy teeth. Another reason that this will be a rewarding career is because when I graduate and begin work in this field, I will have succeeded at one of my goals. This success will pave the way …show more content…

Community which is a main goal of mine. I would like to being my career with volunteering and entering a private practice. By gaining a sense of community this will help me familiarize myself with the types of patients I will encounter, since I enjoy interacting with people of different ages and backgrounds. In addition to private practice, there are excellent opportunities in teaching and research, careers with hospitals or nursing homes. The values that have been instilled in me will prepare me for. I have been taught punctuality, respect, responsibility, and time management. These will undoubtedly go a long way when working so closely with patients. I want to instill a sense of a healthy lifestyle and know that I’ve made a positive impact on a person’s life. The qualities I possess are a perfect fit for dental hygiene. Being able to teach young children the importance of a healthy lifestyle will only benefit

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