How To Slowly Kill Yourself And Others In Americ A Reembrace

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How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America: A Reembrace, is an essay about the authors, Kiese Laymon, life growing up in Mississippi under black patrol. He explains his story about a gun, those who died by a young and how people in America are slowly killing each other. His story of all the people that pulled a gun on him, and how he came to survive and accept his own life as a black boy in the south.
Kiese starts out with the first time he has a gun pulled out on him, is when he five years younger than Rekia Bloyd, by an undercover cop. A taste of racism and the unfairness of the world is when he picks on the cop after he calls him and his friend “Nigger lovers”. The cop is later found out to be drunk, while on the job, and is not punished. This is unfair as he is a cop, a person of the law and justice, he not supposed to pull out his cover over a pair of seventeen years old black kids making fun of him for his own comment, not is he supposed to pull out a gun and blame it on the alcohol.
Kiese also attends this racist university, Millsaps, who is threaten for writing a satirical essay on communal masturbation, while uncalled for and not exactly respectable., the response he for his essay was even more uncalled for. As an English Professor in his college writes and essay on how and why in his class a student …show more content…

Which, is completely unreasonable since his crime was that he stole a book from the library and returned it, if anything he should have been given a small punishment, maybe a therapy session for stealing, not racial insensitivity since no one was getting their race attacked by racist words. Even, then he should be perfect since he “is now on parole”, and will be expel if less than

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