How To Respond To Suicide

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D.A.R.E. Define. Assess. Respond. Evaluate is what DARE stands for. To start off my speech I would like to say thank you to Deputy Kennedy. These few weeks have gone by fast we have gone by and how we have had fun. DARE is a program for 6th graders to teach us about Drugs, Alcohol and Bullying. Though these last few weeks we have learned how to say no and stand up for ourselves and others. We have also learned that when we see bullying happening go tell someone you trust. But we will get into that later. Communication is an important part of speaking up for yourself. Communication is a way you could say no and stop things like drugs and alcohol for kids. A way you could stand up for yourself is that when saying no or speaking up for yourself and others is to be confident and not have a questioning voice. Also try and change the subject and say some facts to maybe change their mind. Also when they are forcing you to make up an excuse and go tell someone but anonymously. So then when you don’t get in trouble and you can stop the smoking and drinking at such a young age. …show more content…

Bullying is tearing kids lives apart and some of the reasons to suicide in high school or young kids. Bullying is a horrible thing especially on social media. Social Media is the most common place for bullying to happen. Also the effects of DARE probably helped those kids who had the courage to stand up for one another. Also the fact about what to do when being bullied and not be a bystander and watch it happen because you are scared of being bullied yourself. Also to never just sit there while someone else is being bullied and to always tell someone you trust. And when telling a trusted person always make sure they will do something about it. Let’s start now and stop the bullying in ROWVA schools. Maybe you can be the next person to stop bullying in the school for

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