How To Hunt Persuasive Essay

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Do you like to hunt? Surely hunting is not something everyone likes to do, but it is a hobby in some people’s eyes. Hunting takes lots of time and commitment. It teaches you patience and helps you learn how to control yourself in heart pounding moments, but first you need to know a few steps.
Hunting involves mountains of supplies. One of the most important pieces of supplies is a gun. Without a gun your hunt will not end up successfully. In order to shoot your deer with a clean shot you will need to use a .30-06 or a .270 and Silvertip bullets. Both of these guns will assure you a nice deer and a completion of your hunt.
With just a little more help from a few more items your hunt might end up even more rewarding and less time consuming. …show more content…

The best chance you get to kill your deer is early in the morning. The deer are all out in the morning trying to find something to eat so the best time to wake up is 5:30am. Waking up this early will give you more time to get ready and be out in the woods before the deer. Before going to set up your stop make sure you eat a nice breakfast and packing a small snack in case you get hungry. After packing all your supplies grabbing your gun, your stand and putting on all your camouflage clothes you should be ready to go.
Once you are all set you need to head out to a nice wooded area close to water. Water is a key source that attacks many animals so finding a spot near a river or stream will be really helpful. When you have found the perfect wooded area you can climb in your stand and sit very quietly and patiently waiting for you deer. After waiting and waiting your deer might walk out and give you a chance to take a shot. When you see your deer quietly grab your gun and look through the scope closing your left eye if your gun is mounted on your right shoulder and closing the right eye if your gun is on your left

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