How The World Changed In The Late 1930s

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The fabulous late 1930s The late 1930’s was full of many political, entertainment, style, and technological advances. The entertainment industry contained many new types of films and songs. New political leaders came to power and dealt with many trying events. Men, women and children began changing the way they dressed. As the 1930s continued, the world also began to invent new technology. The late 1930s was full of popular films, songs, and dances. The following movies were voted the best of 1936. Modern Times was voted the best film with 156,000 votes. Modern Times was directed by Charles Chaplin, and was a story of a tramp who adopted to the modern industry with the help of a homeless woman (2). After the Thin Man was voted the second …show more content…

In 1936 Europe was about to burst with the tensions from Nazi Germany’s racism towards Jewish people and people that did not fit into their “Aryan Race”. The mastermind of the German Dictatorship was Adolf Hitler. He was the Chancellor of Germany and created the Aryan Race. In his opinion, this race was only fit for blonde haired, blue eyed people. He ordered the death of over 6 million Jewish people. After Germany lost World War II, he committed suicide. (11) The Prime Minister of Australia, Joseph Lyons, was born on Sep. 15, 1879 and died on Apr. 7, 1939. He was most famous for helping Australia out of the depression. He also sponsored the expansion of Australian military forces. (12) Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected in 1936 and defeated Republican Alf Landon by winning all but two states. He helped Americans out the depression and lead the United States in World War II to victory. Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected for two terms and was loved by most America after the United States became one of the two superpowers of the world. He was also president during the Cold War. (10) Many prizes were given out in 1936, the most common was the Nobel Prize. Although Nobel Prizes were given to many outstanding men and women, there were a few winners that stood out. Sir Henry Hallet Dale and Otto Loewi were recognized in 1936 for their joint discovery of chemical transmissions of nerve impulses. Victor Hess was awarded in 1936 for his discovery of cosmic radiation. Later, Carlos Saavedra Lamos was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his contributions to the peace treaty between Paraguay and Bolivia after the Chaco-war. He was also Latin America’s first Peace Prize Laureate. (8) There were many historic events that took place in the late 1930s, one of which was the 1936 Olympics. The Olympics were held in Berlin, Germany on Aug. 1-16 while Germany was directly in the middle of Nazi Rule. The Germans only

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