How The Poem Sonnet 130 Provides Logic Instead Of Hyperbole

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Hale, James. "Sonnet 130." Master plots II: Poetry, Revised Edition (2002): 1-3. Literary Reference Center. Web. 9 Mar. 2015. Summary The author talked about the poem, forms and devices, and themes and meanings. The author talks about the poem as a whole when he breaks down each line for better understanding. Furthermore he explains what the poet is saying so that it seems less offensive than what is shown. The second main idea the author use is forms and devices he uses line from the poem to tell how the poet felt his mistress was still beautiful even though she didn’t have traditional standards of beauty. Also the author tells how the poet feels the woman would be so caught up in her appearance that she wouldn’t see the beauty her beloved one sees. “Sonnet 130 provides logic instead of metaphor, objectivity instead of hyperbole” is what the author believed (Hale 3). Evaluation …show more content…

But also what the author was saying about the poem is accurate as well because he was saying that the poet loved his mistress for what was on the inside as well as the outside and that’s the kind of love that is needed. Also when the author talked about the views on whether the girl’s hair was beautiful regardless if it was black since the belief is that gold hair is pretty and since her hair is black it’s ugly. Also the author says that women in society are the same that they would be so focused on altering the appearance that they wouldn’t realize their beloved loved them regardless. Lastly, he says that the poet broke the standards of beauty since no normal human being could meet them. Even though he had good intentions for his mistress the ways he went about them could have been

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