How Strong Is My Experience In Divorce Law

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If you’re facing the prospect of a contested divorce, you’ll need the help of an experienced divorce attorney to help you navigate the often-contentious path toward a resolution. While the pain and turmoil of your situation might make it difficult to know the right decisions, a great divorce lawyer can help you determine the best moves to get your life on track again. Over a 30-year legal career, Jared Redfield of Redfield Law Offices in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, has prided himself on listening to his clients in order to get them the best results. Here are a few questions you can ask your divorce attorney to establish a cooperative relationship.

4 Questions to Ask Your Divorce Attorney

What Is Your Experience in Divorce Law?

Many attorneys practice in a few different fields of law. While this is perfectly …show more content…

Your attorney’s experience can be useful in forming a plan for how to proceed. You don’t want your lawyer to be winging it, after all, and they should be able to explain to you fairly early on how they expect the case to progress, including the expected steps, time frame, and resources you should expect to need.

How Strong Is My Case?

Most of us aren’t lawyers, and in the painful moments of a dissolving relationship it’s only human to believe the other party is purely at fault. While you want your lawyer to be compassionate toward you, your attorney should also represent a level head on your side. Your attorney’s expertise with divorce law will help give you a clear picture of where you stand legally, and how you can expect the case to resolve.

How Much Should I Expect This to Cost?

Divorce cases can be complex and unpredictable, so most divorce lawyers will shy away from giving a firm estimate. But based on how they see the case shaping up, they may be able to give you some indication of what costs you should expect to incur, not just from their fees but also from any court costs or outside consultants that will be

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