How Sick Is She Healthy Research Paper

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If someone is not sick, is she healthy? If someone is sick, it does not necessarily mean that they are healthy. A person's health is associated not only with disease but also the mental and physical condition of the person. If a person has a mental illness or is put under a lot of stress, they are not healthy. If a person is choosing or is forced into eating junk and fast food, they are not eating healthy. Health can also be affected by the environment around the person. There are many factors that affect a person's health, not just if they have a disease. For preventive care, would it be better to change doctors frequently or see the same doctor over an extended period? Explain your answer. For preventive care, it would be better to see the same doctor over and extended period of time, rather than changing doctors. This is because if a person was to change doctors, their doctor would not get to know them. When a doctor knows their patient, then they will have an easier time seeing if there is something different in the individual's behavior of physical appearance. If people frequently change doctors, then they will have to start over with the doctor, and the preventive check will not be as effective. Because …show more content…

If one is not vaccinated and the others around them are, then it would be safe for them because the ones around them will not spread the diseases. The vaccines help to protect and individual from catching a disease. If no one is able to catch a disease, they would also be incapable of spreading the disease. The person who is not vaccinated would not be able to get the disease form the others around them. Having the others around them vaccinated, the person who cannot get vaccinated would be incapable of catching a disease from someone around them. Describe a situation in which a person who is not mentally ill might benefit from seeing a

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