How Rugby Changed My Life

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Throughout my high school career, I have done sports. I did Circlet, swimming and rugby. High School, especially matric is known to quite stressful and full of lots of work and it was certainly for me. What those sports provided me was an escape, an escape from all the work, stresses and problems that did came in to my life. I not only did those sports to escape but to meet new people, create new friendships, to experience a family outside of home and also to form a brotherhood. Sport in high school kept me fit which helped me stay focused on school work and certainly paid off for me. An Example here would be ever since grade 9, the year I began rugby, I have had a 10% increase in my mathematics mark. I went from a 70’s student to an 80’s student and still continuing. …show more content…

The hours were the hardest part: I usually had to spend 2-3 hours at school or an away school, a day to particulate in practises and matches, sometimes even over weekends, like for cricket and rugby. The participation was the next: having to spend nearly 10 hours a week on my sports was hard enough but to do it when there was little or none participation from others made it harder. In grade 9, the highest number of rugby players at a practise was 13 and to be able to play well enough with so little guys was hard to do and made us lose all of those matches that year. These limitations made me question a lot why I was doing that sport and question if it is even worth doing

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