How Rudra Destroys The Universe And The Christian Book Of Revelations

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Everyone at some point in their life comes to a point in their life when they start to question a faith that was told to believe when they were younger, but when they grow up they start to learn about all these other amazing religions. If one was to start taking an interest in another religion, after having only known one religion for a long time, they will soon realize in their readings that there are multiple stories that parallel to or sound similar to a story that was told in their original religion. Once that person realizes this it becomes bewildering, how can one religion have a story, that was told to them, have a similar story or moral in it as another religion? If religions are put in place to help guide people down a path for a great life, then it makes sense to have similar points in each story’s religion. Specifically, there are quite a few parallels in Hindi stories and Christian stories, such as: How Rudra Destroys the Universe and the Christian book of Revelations, Brahma is Lonely and the story of Adam and Eve, The Thoughts of Brahma the book of Genesis, In the story How Rudra …show more content…

In the story Brahma is Lonely, Brahman is just that, lonely, so he takes the form of Brahma. In this form Brahma thinks about the loneliness and his body is split in two creating male and female humans. They would be considered to husband and wife and would be the beginning of humanity. The female would wonder how their love is real if it is just one being mating with another, so the male would change himself into the many different species we see walk the earth every day. Thus the women were to be coy and to play hard to get, and the man may sometimes have to change himself to get the girl. So such all the animals that were made came of the male and female who came from Brahma, so Brahma is in every living thing that came forth from

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