How One Anonymous Quote Can Help Get You Through Tough Times

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How One Anonymous Quote Can Help Get You Through Tough Times (Every Time)

Getting through the tough times can be such a challenge. When one thing goes wrong, it can have a domino effect on your life. Soon, you are physically, mentally, and emotionally spent.

To top it off, your inner critic (also called the gremlin in your head) might start in on you, trying to trick you into thinking you're a failure or that nothing is ever going to go right again.

During these times, it is so easy to feel like throwing in the towel, but before you do, remember this quote:

“So far, you've survived 100% of your worst days. You're doing great!” - Author Unknown

Isn't that amazing? I remember the first time I stumbled across this quote, I just stared …show more content…

For example:

The death of a loved one
Severe illness
Job change

Have you experienced any of the above? You made it through, right? Even when you thought you couldn't take another step for all the stress and frustration, you still came out the other side stronger and wiser than you were before.

Take a moment now to write down a list of times when you've persevered and succeeded. This will help anchor you to the present moment while renewing those buried feelings of strength and confidence.

What Tools Do I Use to Help Myself Get Through Tough Times?

Another way to feel empowered through tough times is to think about the tools you've used in the past. Take some time to think about what has worked for you. Is it prayer? Meditation? Exercise? Talking with friends? Cleaning?

Tools like these are meant to be used again and again each time life throws another curve ball your way.

What Can I Do Right Now to Make One Positive Change In This Situation?

Consider the situation you're going through right now. What is one thing you can do to make a positive change? It doesn't have to be a big thing, and it doesn't have to take a lot of effort. It can be something

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