How My Passion Affects the World

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My Passion is my word. Words are used everyday, I am even using words now. You know a lot about word don’t you? What they mean? When to say them? What you did not know was, once you give someone your word you are bonded to it and going back on you word would break that bond, I never go back on my word, I never did, and I never will. the only reason is, I never want to become the most atrocious monster known as a.... liar, and becoming that monster is my biggest fear. You could say it's what drives my passion. But also the bond does not just apply to your word, it also applies to people, and when you break your word you also break the bond of trust you have with the person too. Honesty is the most important policy.

Words are very powerful. A few words can change the life as we know it, and it does. Wars, violence, and hate all start with the same thing: words, but they can be stopped with them too. “You can change your world by changing your words... Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue-Joel Osteen” This one of the reason people say think twice before saying it out loud. Words just don't come with power, they come with fear if used wrong, if used as threats. “Words should be used as tools of communication and not as a substitute for action - Mae West.” So you should choose your words wisely because our words will have an effect, that could mean a lot, good and bad. Like making a friend happy when their down, or causing problems for others.

“Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill - Buddha.” The words we say has effect on people small or large and there is nothing we can change about that, but we can change the outcome by cha...

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...studying then you have to do them or like I said earlier breaking your word breaks the bond of trust. But you also have to be responsible with your words to because you should not say I will jump off a cliff for obvious reasons. You will always be responsible for what you say and misusing words, well then you would have to face the consequences. Most people don’t want to face them because of fear, which is ironic because that same fear that pushes those people away from consequences, pushes me to my passion.

In the end you can really do almost anything with your words, along with your actions, who knows maybe you can take over the world with words. And my passion really can affect the world, because words have the power of influence people, the effect might be small or large but it has an effect so we must be careful with our word. words are the core of our world.

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