How Is The Population Of France And England Affected By The Industrial Revolution?

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The population of a country is a key factor when taking in exactly what the country economically and socially may be capable of achieving. During the “long eighteenth century”, the populations of England and France experience changes that help to define these nations. While in the cases of both France and England are vastly different they both show that the eighteenth century was a time of great alteration. This essay shall try to give a brief overview of what the industrial revolution was and meant in its total to those who lived through it while then looking at the populations of France and England and explain why both countries may have had such very different types of population effects occur due to revolution. It will also try to explain why these effects may have occurred for various reasons of both culture and economics in the two societies looking first at England before moving onto France.
What must be understood about the industrial revolution is that this was a large transformation. It was a true break from the old traditions that had governed for a long time and was an event that had never before occurred in human history. The industrial revolution in its whole was an explosion of new. It helped in …show more content…

The term ‘modernization’ is one though that holds a wealth of meaning. In using this term ‘modernization’ it does not just refer to the idea of the using of just new technology indeed it is a blanket term for the overall theme of the industrial revolution which as previously described is ‘new’. Thus it must be fully understood that this revolution and the people living through it had to be open to or at the very least accept total change in the whole structure of their lives in forms of government and society ideals. (Wrigely, p.

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