How Is The Diction Used In Aunt Jennifer's Tigers

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“Essay, “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers.”” With many different writing techniques, the author, Adrienne Rich uses many of them all over the poem. Through kinesthetic imagery that illustrates the character's skill, concrete diction that hints at the character's actions, and chronological organization that displays the sequence of sentences from simple to complex, Adrienne Rich's "Aunt Jennifer's Tigers" expresses that creativity can provide a refugee from oppression. In many parts of this poem, the imagery is very kinesthetic as the reader will be able to picture manythings. For example, “prancing” is a word that emphasizes the movement of the tigers that are jumping. In this poem, the word describes an image that allows readers to picture the tigers prancing. Because we are able to picture the prancing tigers, it is pretty impressive that she was able to sew that the tigers are prancing. Not only that, her “fingers fluttering through her wool” gives off an image to the readers and tells them that she sews. She sews as it is lets her escape from oppression and allows her to be creative. Since she must be a skilled sewer, she must have been treated wrong. …show more content…

Concrete diction hints at the character’s actions. In the poem, Rich’s use of “In a world of green” is very straightforward. It just states that the world is green and really doesn’t describe anything. This connects to imagery as the reader is able to picture the world. This world is created through the sewing of the woman that is receiving unjust treatment. Her unjust treatment has hinted towards her action of sewing a green world. In addition, going back to “fingers fluttering through her wool” also uses concrete diction. “Fluttering” is used for like a bird or a butterfly, but it is used here. Because she “flutters” her wool, it hints her action that she will continue to sew away her

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