How Is Social Media Ruining Society

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Social media is supposed to be a way to communicate and share our lives with people that we can't see every day. It is a great invention, but it is destroying many people's lives. It has become something extremely dangerous. People feel more comfortable behind a phone or computer screen in the comfort of their home because they can say whatever they want and not be penalized for it, especially when they make themselves anonymous. Social media used to be something great and useful, but because of websites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter it has turned into something unnecessary and dangerous that is ruining people's relationships, communications, and jobs. Social media is causing kids and teens everywhere to lose the ability to communicate with people and have a simple conversation. It is producing laziness and a lack of work ethic in this society, not only with kids and teens but with adults, too. Yzzy Gonzalez states in her essay "Technology Taking Over?" that "technology will always change, …show more content…

If we continue spending all of our time constantly checking other people's Twitter statuses we are never going to know what is going on in the life of a person that is right in front of us. Yzzy Gonzalez said that "technology is killing face-to-face interaction" (51). We no longer spend our time talking to and catching up with each other because we are constantly looking at our phones. Social media has become such a habit and addiction in today's society that the latest Instagram post or Twitter update is more important than everything else that is happening around us. Majority of the time we are on our phones looking at a social media website. The people in our lives these days are strangers; we know nothing about them but we know everything about the people we see on social media everyday. Our once great relationships are nothing but memories because of our constant addition to social

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