How Is Poisonous Gas Used In Ww1

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There were many technologies that were used during the 20th Century. Many of these technologies were invented during World War I. This war lasted from 1914 to 1918. The war was between the Allied Powers of Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, and the United States against the Central Powers of Germany, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria. During this war, many inventions needed to be made to combat the enemy. Many of these included poisonous gas, machine guns, and tanks.
Poisonous Gas
Poisonous gas was an invention that was used by the Germans during the Battle of Second Ypres in 1915. Although poisonous gas only accounted for a small number of the war’s deaths in total, the effects were devastating. Gas was a largely ineffective as a traditional weapon. The success of the weapon depended on the type of gas and the delivery method; the weather condition was also a factor of the effectiveness of the weapon. Poisonous gas was the most important psychological weapon of the war, being feared by both soldiers and engineers. Because of this, it was used 20 years later in World War II. …show more content…

It resembled a cannon and weighed as much as one. The machine gun was produced by the British with mobility in mind. This gun included the Vickers gun which was a heavy-caliber machine that required a six-man team to operate. Despite this set back, the weapon gained a reputation for being very reliable. Although most of the war’s deaths were from heavy artillery, the portability and power of the machine gun made it an effective addition to arsenals on both the Allied and Central

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