How Is Montresor Greedy

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On average, studies confirm that one spends 14 hours a day trying to figure out how to get sweet revenge. In the story "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe. Montresor tells the reader that he was insulted by Fortunato. The story begins when Montresor found his chance to take revenge against Fortunato. Montresor made Fortunato believe that they were going to see an Amontillado, but was actually leading him to his death. He had lead Fortunato to the family catacombs where Montresor buried Fortunato alive. Fortunato makes himself an easy target because he is greedy, foolish, and a jokester. When Fortunato is greedy, we can see how montresor could have taken advantage of him. Due to the face that Fortunato is greedy with his wines, we can see that Montresor could have very easily gotten sick of him. "...but in the matter of old wines he was sincere. In this respect I did not differ from his materially: I was skillful in the Italian vintages myself..." (. ) this indicates that Montresor and Fortunato both love wine but Fortunato was more greedy when it comes to the good wine. Montresor said he had just as good of taste for good wine but Fortunato did not think so. It clear from this situation that Montresor is jealous that Fortunato has better wine tasting skills. …show more content…

The fact that Fortunato is a jokester, it reveals to the reader that he is probably dressed funny in order to get people to laugh at him. "The man wore motley. He had on a tight fitting, parti-striped dress, and his head was surrounded by the conical cap and bells." (6) in addition to Fortunato dressing like a clown, this action shows that he likes to draw attention to himself. Fortunato really draws attention to himself when he is drunk and obnoxious. Thus, Fortunato actions when he is joking around, could lead him to do things that could bother or hurt Montresor in the long

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