How Is Mean Girls Related To Sociology

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The film Mean Girls follows the story of Cady Heron, a teenage girl who was homeschooled in Africa by her parents all of her life until moving to the suburbs of Illinois and joining a public high school. Cady soon finds herself in a group known as ‘The Plastics’, who are the dominant group in the high school. The film highlights the ways that people, specifically teenagers, both consciously and unconsciously, conform to different aspects of society, based on race and class, and how the different groups view each other. On Cady’s journey through this year of high school she is given a glimpse of how strong a society can impact an individual when she begins to socialize with ‘The Plastics’ and they completely change her personality and values. …show more content…

The movie did a great job of alluding to many different sociological theories that have been proposed over the years such as conflict theory, social stratification, socializing and many more. At many different points in the movie conflict theory is evident. Conflict theory, proposed by Karl Marx talks about the need for social order to be maintained in an environment and the order is controlled by people with power. In Northshore High School this power is held by the ‘Plastics’. They have the most status and influence the way others act. The theory is challenged when Cady, a plastic, begins to hang out with groups without status, such as the mathletes and Janice and Damien. When Cady does this the whole school is changed due to the interactions of someone with status befriending people without. As well, social stratification is accurately demonstrated. Social stratification is the hierarchy of different classes and how the power/status is held by the upper classes. In the movie the upper class people, ‘The Plastics’ hold all of the power in the school compared to lower class groups. ‘The Plastics’ power is shown when Gretchen, one of ‘The Plastics’ believes she can make the phrase “That’s so fetch” popular just because others follow her example. The next accuracy of the film is the aspect of socializing. …show more content…

The first reason is that Mean Girls is an entertaining movie that draw students’ interest. The second reason is that it accurately highlights many sociological aspects of highschool culture. The third reason being that it will help students to think critically about other popular films. Mean Girls is a popular film that many people have seen and love. I believe that this would lead many students to be interested in the movie and how it applies to the course, and they would not get bored and become distracted. Also, as noted above, Mean Girls is a film that students can learn lots from and can relate to their own life as highschool students. The high school setting is a place that each student will be able to relate to and this will help them to analyze different parts of their own lives from a sociological perspective that they had not considered before, such as how their friend groups impacts their social relationships. Finally, seeing a popular movie like this and analyzing it can help students realize that many other popular movies have applicable sociological aspects that they did not consider prior to analyzing Mean Girls. This has the potential for students to begin thinking critically about other popular films they watch and analyzing

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