How Is Mayella Ewell Powerful In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the 1930’s America mention, white people were treated better than blacks. Women were considered lower in class then men. Men have more power than women do. Harper Lee’s character talks about Atticus defending Tom Robinson, but lost the case. Lee’s character Mayella Ewell the person accusing Tom of rape, but since Tom is black nobody believes that he did not do anything to Mayella. Mayella is not powerful because, she is in the lower class, even though she is white. Mayella Ewell is not powerful because, she is a women. Mayella was asked about her father in the courtroom. “He does tollable, cept when -” (Lee document B). Her father shows more power over by constantly abusing her and telling her what to do. Mr. Ewell was telling Mayella to …show more content…

In the document it was talking about how the Ewell’s lived in a run down place. “Maycomb’s Ewells lived behind the town garbage dump in what was once a Negro cabin” (Lee document A). Mayella is not someone who is really admired towards others. Mayella said she was mocked. “Won’t answer a word you say as long as you keep on mockin’ me,” (Lee document C). Mayella was even made fun of or mocked, which is another reason why she is considered lower in class. Thus, making Mayella a lower class women and not powerful due to gender. Some people might argue that Mayella is powerful because, she is white. Mayella said Tom did not matter because he is black. “After all he’s just a Negro” (Lee document C). Since Mayella is white she has more power over Tom Robinson. Scout said “Negro people wouldn’t have anything to do with her because she was white” (Lee document E). Mayella means nothing to the black people because she is white. Even Though Mayella might love a racial advantage, ultimately she is not powerful because, she is a women. Mayella Ewell, is not strong in terms of being in the lower class. She is not used to speaking for herself. Mayella was a lower class white woman. Mayella is not powerful due to her gender. She is not considered an honest person. Mayella Ewell is not powerful because, she is a

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