How Is Lennie Justified In Of Mice And Men

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Is killing a best friend ever justified? The answer is yes, killing is justified if there is a good purpose for instance, someone is feeling terminally ill and they are suffering. George killing Lennie is justified, he was saved from a far worse situation, George did not want to make the same mistake Candy did, Offing him before he hurts more people.Of mice and Men, by John Steinbeck.

Lennie was saved from a situation he wouldn’t want to be in, a situation even George could not help him. After he accidentally killed Curly’s wife, Lennie knew he was in trouble. Lennie remembered what he was supposed to do when he got in trouble go to the brush by the river bank. When Curly found out Lennie killed his wife he used this chance to kill Lennie …show more content…

When they were in Weed Lennie scared a woman because he was holding onto her dress and not letting go because he was scared. When Lennie is scared he does not know what to do so his first reaction is to sit there and continue to do what he was doing. He’s completely unaware what he is doing is wrong. "Oh, so ya forgot that too, did ya? Well, I ain't gonna remind ya, fear ya do it again." (Steinbeck)

George is concerned that Lennie will get him in trouble again. It’s very clear Lennie constantly gets in trouble.

While killing is most certainly wrong, there are some cases where it may be necessary. For instance, cases of euthanasia people want to die because they are terminally ill. People terminally ill are suffering, and they don’t want to live on life support for the rest of their lives because they can’t do anything anyways. They feel as if there is no purpose because they sit on a bed all day.

In short, the killing of Lennie was justified, and the reasons are very clear. Firstly, Lennie was saved from a bad situation he wouldn’t want to be in. George also didn’t want him to someone else’s problem. Another thing is, George did not want Lennie to hurt someone else. Lennie took a life on accident, not knowing what he is

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