How Is Lady Macbeth Greedy

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Back in the day, women were always classified as passive and frail. However, William Shakespeare opposes this stereotype by certain female characters. In Shakespeare’s tragedy “Macbeth,” Shakespeare depicts Lady Macbeth as a strong female character who persuades her husband to do many challenging and wicked tasks. Lady Macbeth is categorized as a person who is greedy and is willing to do anything to gain power and status. It all seemed to be going well until it became karma to her. The things that she once thought were a great plan in order to gain the throne eventually hunts her. Throughout the whole calamity, Lady Macbeth was characterized as greedy, persuasive and crazy all in which leads to her down fall.

Lady Macbeth is greedy. Lady Macbeth portrays this trait because with every thought of Macbeth she is always there to make sure he goes through with it. It was not all that she was supportive but more of greedy. She wanted it just as bad as Macbeth wanted to be king. In order to get what she wanted, she knew that she would have to be the drive behind Macbeth. …show more content…

Lady Macbeth depicts this trait when she immediately starts to plot to become a queen. She quickly schemes after receiving the news about what the witches say to Macbeth. Lady Macbeth states in (Act I Scene v) “O, never shall sun that morrow see!” In this quote, she says that Duncan will not be able to see daylight after my husband kills him tonight. Lady Macbeth shows the persuasive trait when she persuades her husband to kill king Duncan. To get her demand acknowledged, she questions Macbeth’s manhood In (Act I Scene vii) “I have given suck, and know how tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, have plucked my nipple from his boneless

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