How Is George Presented In The Great Gatsby

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In the novel, The Great Gatsby, by .F. Scott Fitzgerald there were many interesting characters. One of the characters, Tom, is a big headed bully, who is wealthy, never working and not loyal to his wife, Daisy. He is extremely arrogant and he believed he could get away with anything. But even though he is a terrible husband and person he still loves his wife and would do anything to stay with her. Another character is George. He is bullied by Tom, poor, always working, and faithful to his wife, Myrtle. He owns a car garage and does the best he can to for him and his wife, even though they have a loveless marriage. There are countless topics to compare and contrast Tom and George. At the beginning of, The Great Gatsby, the readers can obviously …show more content…

For example, Tom tell Myrtle that he couldn’t divorce Daisy to marry her was because Daisy was catholic, “Daisy was not a catholic, and I was a little shocked at the elaborateness of the lie” (Fitzgerald, 33). Tom and George wants to be with their spouse but both of them treat them in very different ways. George cares for Myrtle but he is a push over. Unlike George, Tom needs to have dominance over people, especially with the women that he is with. Also, Tom isn’t loyal to Daisy; he has had many mistresses including George's wife, Myrtle. On the other hand George is extremely loyal to …show more content…

At first they were both in denial that their wives had cheated on them. After awhile, Tom and George hated Gatsby because they had reasons to believe that Gatsby was the man Daisy and Myrtle had an affair with. They wanted Gatsby gone from their lives, But George had gone farther than Tom to do that.George went crazy. He locked Myrtle up in a room in their home and he was planning to move. But after Myrtle died Tom gave him the thought Gatsby killed her, so he found Gatsby and killed him. Then he killed himself after. Tom reacted differently; he found dirt on Gatsby so Daisy would not want to be with him. Also he told George that Gatsby was the one who killed and had the affair with Myrtle because he thought Tom killed her. But then he put the blame on Gatsby so George would do something about it. “That yellow car I was driving this afternoon wasn’t mine-do you hear?” (141). Which made George to want to kill kill Gatsby. So Tom got George to do his dirty work for him and got Gatsby out of the

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