How Is Frankenstein Human

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Do you think that Frankenstein's creation is human? In my opinion, I think that he is practically a human, there are many ways that he can be described as a human but one of my reasons is that he is basically made of human body parts. I also think he is a human because he experiences emotions that we all go through. For example, love, hate, jealousy, sadness, and other emotions that we all share and go through. In this essay, I will give a description on why I think that he is human.

While I was reading this novel, I encountered that the monster has some feelings that we all have felt in the past or even right now in the present. One example is when he felt happy because he was looking at a family. I chose this example because when he was hiding in the cottage with the family he sees how happy they made him feel. In other words, that family on pages 86-109, they made him have happy and loveable thoughts. There was a lot of emotions that he felt. For example, he felt happy because he never knew what it felt like to be in a family with people who love and cared for him. Another emotion that he felt was anger. …show more content…

He was infuriated when his creator Victor Frankenstein decided not to construct another female monster, and that’s when he began to evolve the emotion of anger. I know this because in the novel on pages 135-142, the monster gets mad because Frankenstein doesn't want to make a mate for him. The monster even says that he is even planning for revenge, he says " I go; but I shall be with you on your wedding night". Unfortunately, he ends up killing Victor's wife Elizabeth as the revenge that he was planning on doing to Frankenstein. Of course, Frankenstein gets angry and their rivalry just continues until the end of the novel. This was another example on why I think that he is a

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