The Unwoken Reality: A Perspective on Racial Inequality

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Although African Americans are living freely in this American society, they are not really FREE. This essay will explain my idea of what it means to be aware in today’s society. Blacks are still trapped in an oppressed mental state and refuse to wake up to the reality of what is really taking place in our communities. Being “woke” means being aware of your surroundings and things going on, with a particular focus in regards to racism and social injustice. “Woke” is the past tense of “wake,” and it refers to waking up. WAKE UP PEOPLE. Black people especially and persons of color have been the targets of bigotry, racial discrimination, and oppression since the arrival of the early European settlers.
It used to be said that everybody was equal. Back in the day everything was said to be separate but equal. Does this really mean that everybody is equal? NO. Well, back then this meant that all of the upper class white men were equal. The laws created were put in place to benefit these upper class white men. They had to own land. They also had to have quite a bit of money. The problem with this was that African Americans were left out. Everything was segregated, including schools. Blacks were not considered equal. Blacks were not thought to be human. …show more content…

Are you willing to speak out against the unfair treatment towards a specific group or culture of people? If your answer was indeed, “Yes”, that is just great. However, your awareness is something you should already be equipped with. It absolutely earns you no “woke” badge in my community or any other surrounding communities near me. Persons of color have always been the targets of bigotry, racial discrimination, and oppression for a very long time now. It is time for change. We as a people must stop dreaming of a better world and create change within our own communities which will in turn promote change within o country. Change is a must. Change must be

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