How Important Was The Military In Feudalism

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The military was very important when it came to feudalism. What the military was made up of and why it was important: The three main roles that take part in creating a good strong military service are the kings, vassals, and lords. Basically the knights would supply the lords with military services. Because the king would give the lord land the lord would give the king those knights. The military was very important in the manor because it helped protect all of the people. Without the military other groups would come and invade the villages causing the people to have no where to live. That is why the military is important because no one would be harmed having the military to protect them. How a king can make an army if he needs one. The king …show more content…

The church and the great chain of being are one of the most important things in feudalism for many ways. The church is the main place of worship for all of the villagers in the manor. They are all religious and believe in god. Latin was the most important and used language in the church another big advantage of the church is the monasteries, monasteries are places where monks would live. The great chain of being is really important in the manor and in feudalism because it shows where people are placed for example: The nobles were in the upper class. People in the upper class were kings, vassals, lords and knights these people would get benefits from the serfs such as their land etc. (S7, 2). This is very important because everyone in the manor follows this. The great chain of being is very important and it is used greatly in feudalism. The great chain of being basically talks about where people are placed in terms of power. And how people would give things like land to other people in the great chain and receive things from other people in the great chain. This is how the great chain of being works: so the serfs are at the very bottom they basically have no power over their lives and the things that they own such as they land. But then the lords and vassals come in. the lords and vassals are second to the highest amount of power. Then comes the king who is highest with power. The church and …show more content…

He had many duties in the manor such as making sure all of the people in the manor pay their taxes and keeping the manor safe. the beadle was an important role in the manor because they were basically the policeman of the village. They would take pledges, levy distress, etc. (S8, 179). This is basically what the beadle does. He also does manoy more things like collecting taxes from other people in the manor. one of the biggest prime responsibilities of the beadle is to collect rent and taxes from the people in the manor that haven't payed them. “Prime responsibilities of the beadle were to collect rents and collect fines connected within the court. (S10, 56)”. The beadle was also important to the manor because he helped with the crops and farming. Other than collecting taxes, the beadle would also work around the farming business. “Another job of the beadle is that they usually had primary responsibilities for seeds on the crops that were planted the year before (S10, 56)”. Not only was the beadle a officer in the manor court, he was also a farmer this shows that they beadle had many other roles and that he was more important in the manors. The beadle collects rent and taxes and he is basically the policeman of the manor. He keeps things in control and helps make the manor a better and safer

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