How Important Is The Renaissance Relevant Today?

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The Renaissance is considered “The Rebirth”, this period in history was a time of enlightenment where many achievements were accomplished such as art, music, poetry, medicine and other discoveries. The Renaissance was gifted with the most famous people in history being Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, just to name a few. The Renaissance has definitely impacted today's society heavily and paved the way for future generations to reach higher. Although there are many reasons for why the Renaissance matters today, but the most notable reasons are that we rely on their innovations, it brought more realism into books and taught us the power of looking to the past for insights in dealing with today’s issues. Firstly according to the article “Analysis of the Art of Renaissance Italy”, “The Renaissance teaches us the power of looking to the past for insights and inspiration in dealing with today's issues”. Challenges differ from each generation but many of the same issues come up. During the Renaissance, when the people were in need of help and guidance. They examined the ancient Greeks and Romans, who civilizations existed more than a thousand years earlier. The patrons, scholars, artists, and the …show more content…

One of the most famous examples of this is when Filippo Brunelleschi designed and executed the dome which covered the transept of the Florence cathedral. When the church was built in the fourteenth century, a large hole was left in the ceiling because no one knew how to cover it with a dome, It was not until Brunelleschi used an original approach in the early 1400s that the problem was solved. This gave modern humans the idea of having innovations to change history and not wait for someone else to come up with an brilliant

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