How Have Schools Changed Over The Years

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The schools in the past had some great and horrible ideas, The horrible ideas had to be changed and the great ideas are still used to this day. School has changed dramatically over the decades. In the past some schools lacked effectiveness in discipline and sometimes teaching. Schools in the present still lack effectiveness in certain areas of education. American education in the past has changed and developed in the present due to lack of effectiveness as shown by the lack of preparedness in
21st­century skills in career and college readiness.
Education is the past was taught differently and was not as effective. The schools were different the way the teachers taught and disciplined were different.Some schools in the past were taught in one …show more content…

It’s important to know how education was in the past and how it is now.
It’s also important to know about the reform of education and how it’s been changed rapidly and many great ideas that are used in school now were used then. Schools in the past had major differences and similarities to schools now like effectiveness.
Education in America
School now has improved majorly from schools in the past, but schools in the present still need to improve.Explain what the event was (reference)School has changed over the decades. Like the discipline is different and the overall way school was taught is different. A School has improved from what it used to be. Schools are taught in multiple rooms now. Schools originally taught all grades in one room. Laws prevent accidents and things like that to happen, whereas in the past that was normal for the students and teachers. It’s important to know about the school system that is currently used. The school system in the present tries to teach the students some of the skills that will help them find a job or be successful later in life.
Some school prepares students for the rest of their life and tries to mold them into businessmen and women so the students can get any job the students want as

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