How Has World War 1 Shaped The 20th Century Essay

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World war one shaped the 20th century, there was a belief pre 1914 that war is good for nations, but this belief died after 1918. It was centred in Europe and was fought from 1914 to 1918. The world's warring nations were divided into two main groups the Allied and the Central Powers. The allied powers consisted of England, Russia, Italy, France and Japan, in 1917 the United States also joined. The Central powers consisted of Germany, Turkey, Bulgaria, and Austria-Hungary. World war two was a unquestionable consequence of world war one as it took the lives of 60 million people being five times more destruction than world war one(john k) It is important to understand why certain nations sided with each and formed alliances that led to the WWI, Alliances …show more content…

Acquiring land and colonies that were the used solely for economic benefits as they profited and enriched imperial powers, this mostly involved the supply of precious metals, timber, rubber, rice, spices or other resources. Colonies were also invaluable sources of agricultural land, cheap labour and trading ports. Prior 1914 the world most dominant imperial power was England that possessed one quarter of the world, France was the next most imperial. Rise in nationalism fuelled a desperate push for new colonies, new coming empires like Germany wanted to expand their imperial authority and power, in 1884 Germany obtained Namibia, Togoland and Cameroons, later most of East Africa. Tensions between France and Germany were on the rise, Paris had sought to establish a protectorate in Morocco, Wilhelm II intervened by traveling to the Moroccan city, where he delivered a speech supporting the idea of independence in morocco. In 1911, as the French were trying to suppress a rebellion in Morocco; the Germans landed an armed vessel without prior warning or any obvious purpose. This incident triggered an even stronger reaction and brought France and Germany nearly to the brink of

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