How Has Football Impacted My Life

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Growing up, from the time I started my first day of class until walking across my hometowns football field to receive my diploma I never had thought that I let something define the person that I have become today. However, being presented with this essay I have come to the realization that football has defined me as a person. I don’t mean to say that the sport has had this much of an impact on me, I’d rather like to think that the memories associated with the sport has made an everlasting impact on my life. Growing up in a small town, football had always been a huge deal to what seemed to be everyone besides me, at the time I would have rather stayed at home and wasted my life away being lazy. I started to play at the age of six to fuel my …show more content…

Later we had our first football game and I was excited for my last first game in high school, I never would have known that it potentially could have been my last game played. Within the first quarter I had broken my foot completely and because of my adrenaline I shrugged it off as a minor injury and played the rest of the game. After to what seemed like I was fine I stood up and collapsed as soon as I did so. This was the first injury that I had ever sustained and I was still in denial thinking I had just sprained a muscle. After being told that I wouldn’t be able to play for the rest of the season I was heartbroken, along with this the college that I had hoped to attend the most being West GA dropped me as a recruit. Two games passed and I was feeling helpless for myself, I couldn’t drive, I couldn’t do anything without the help of others, I had crutches but being a 320 lb. man it was very difficult getting around. As Nancy Mairs said: “I’ve been limping along for ten years now” I was off of my feet for 2 weeks and to me it felt like an eternity. This was when I decided to let college aside and all I wanted to do was finish my senior season strong, my mother allowed me to get my cast taken off and have me put into a boot. For the remaining games I roughed it out and played with a broken foot. Even with

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