How Has Civil Disobedience Impacted Our Society

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Civil disobedience is an act of opposing a law one might consider unfair so it’s peacefully disobeyed while accepting the consequences. If there is a way to protest in a way without causing any violent disturbance to the society then why do people avoid using it? Is it because it takes a long time to get the point across or is it because the government won’t care? Great figures like Martin Luther King Jr., Susan B. Anthony, Mohandas Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela have used this tactic and impacted the society greatly. They brought justice and equality for the people that were treated unethically even though it required time. Their point got across effectively without any use violence and has impacted the society for the greater good. Therefore, peaceful resistance to laws can positively impact a free society by allowing it to change the errors of the law, however others might say otherwise. There are …show more content…

During this movement, Martin Luther King Jr. promoted nonviolent actions for desegregation. He believed violent resistance would give the white cops the satisfaction of arresting them so he promoted a passive protest to avoid giving the cops any reason for arresting them. The African American protesters did sit-ins, marches, and speeches to get their point across that they have the right to sit in the front of the bus, drink from a clean water fountain, use the same bathroom as whites, get the same education as whites, and most of all they have the right of US citizenship. As result of this peaceful resistance, the Civil Right Act of 1964 was passed, which any type of discrimination and ending segregation. Therefore this nonviolent act proves that non-violent resistance is necessary because they allow people to change unjust laws which can help to make the society better just as this movement did by allowing everyone, no matter the race/color, to be

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