How Does Weiner Re-Created The Early 1960s Tableau?

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1. What are the main themes in this episode? I think one of the main themes in this episode is the sexual expectation of women. One of the first things Joan tells Peggy is to get on birth control. This shows how far the office relationships go. It makes me think that that is the only reason why they have women in the office; is a toy. Another theme is just how the advertising world works. How Don is out at the bar working on a new ad instead of enjoying himself at the bar like everyone else is. It also shows how valued Don is at his job. He shows up to the meeting without a new ad but when the time comes, he is able to come up with something that satisfies the owners of Lucky Strike. 2. How does Weiner re-created the early 1960s tableau? In the opening scene with Don trying to figure out a new advertising pitch, the song “Band of Gold” by Don cherry is playing. This song was released in 1955. He uses songs throughout the episode that were popular in the 1960s. He also uses a calendar to point viewers that this is happening in March 1960. In the Sterling Cooper work place, Weiner decided to have a grid of fluorescent lights. These fluorescent lights become a defining feature of the office workplace in the 1950s and symbolized modernist style in 1960 (Edgerton, 62). To include the ceiling in many scenes, the directors used a …show more content…

Sterling Cooper values him and they depend on him to come up with new advertising ideas. When it comes to thinking of something new for Lucky Strike, he has no idea where to start. He even has a conversation with a man who smokes Old Gold and asks why he likes to smoke and if he would ever change. During this time, he is taking notes and brainstorming new ideas. Even when it comes to the meeting with the Lucky Strike owners, he still doesn’t have an idea. They get fed up and start to walk out the door when Don finally has an idea. He has an idea to use “it’s toasted” as their new advertising push.

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