How Does The Constitution Guard Against Tyranny

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How would you like to live in a country that was ruled by a dictator? What if this dictator made you change your religion just to live in the United States. If you wouldn't want to live like that then be glad that the constitution was written to stop that from happening. What the constitution does is guard against tyranny. Tyranny is a government ruled by an absolute ruler like a king or a dictator. There are many different forms of tyranny. There are also many ways the constitution guards against tyranny, like federalism, separation of powers, and checks and balances.
The first way the constitution guards tyranny was Federalism which is the central and state government. “In the compound republic of america, the power surrendered by the people is first divided between two distinct governments…”(James Madison, federalist Paper #51,1788). What James madison is saying is that there should be powers divided between the Central and State governments. The powers given to the central government can declare war, …show more content…

The three branches are the Legislative, Executive, Judicial . “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many…” (James Madison, Federalist Paper #47). What James Madison is saying in this one is that they need to separate the powers in order to prevent a tyranny. The legislative powers are consisted of the senate and house of representatives. The executive power is consisted of the president and vice-president. The Judicial power is consisted of the supreme court. All of the branches should be completely different from each other. The branches should have different viewpoints to make sure everyone is pleased with the government. This could prevent tyranny because if someone tries to take over the government they would have to take over all three

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