How Does Stanley Change In Holes

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Stanley Yelnats never suspected his life to turn around by a pair a stinky shoes that fell from the sky, but that's just what happened. Stanley looks out through the bus window and in the corner of his eye, he sees in the distance a gigantic crystal clear blue lake, big bushy peach trees, and a small home town, and in one blink… it disapered. Stanley is very shy, relaxed, and down in the dumps in the beginning of the novel holes. Stanley Yelnats will have a major change by the end of the novel holes and not just physically. In the beginning our the novel holes Stanley is very heavy, dressed in new clothes he doesn't exactly love, and made some very painful changes. The quote (“The heaviest kid in the class” Sachar.7) means that Stanley is very heavy and is heavier than most kids. When Stanley is dressed in new clothes it is symbol that he no longer has control of his life and he can no longer get want he wants when he wants it. (“He was given two sets of clothes, a orange jumpsuit, a orange shirt, and yellow socks that may have not been yellow when they were first bought.” Sachar. 13). The quote(“Stanley’s blisters ripped open and new blisters formed.” Sachar. 33) is a very painful change Stanley goes through while he digs his hole. …show more content…

The quote (“Zero was digging some of Stanley's hole for him.” Sachar.117) This makes Stanley stronger which means he has more energy for later on in the day. Zero also saves Stanley from being hurt badly (“ Than suddenly Zig-Zag was off of him, he managed to look up and he saw that Zero had his arm around Zig-Zag’s long neck.” Sachar. 135) This shows that zero saved Stanley from being hurt by Zig-Zag. The quote (Zero’s confession seemed to bring him some relief.” Sachar. 175) is telling us that Zero gave Stanley some relief by telling Stanley the

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