How Does Social Media Affect Political Candidates?

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Social media as a whole has started to consume the lives of many young adults and beginning to take over the older population as well. With social media taking over almost every aspect of people’s lives, social media is taking over major life events, news stories, and great controversies. The question that I am going to pose has to do with this fact and I want to look into how social media can polarize issues and take away the facts in important events like this 2016 Presidential race. The candidates for the first time have Twitter and both of the candidates are both very vocal on their respective accounts. That being said social media also plays a huge part for the voters themselves and how they view the candidates based on vines, tweets, and memes being spread all over the internet. This is why the question I am asking is, does social media affect political campaigns and change how the voters now see the candidates? …show more content…

After reading this article I came to the conclusion that yes, social media does play a big part in political campaigns and it is not just superficial topics. Social media can completely change how a person sees a candidate just by a 140 character tweet. The way this happens is through repetition of seeing the same tweet or vine over and over again. This can either create a hate or love for that specific person. Before social media there was only newspapers and the news to receive information. Because of this there was not horribly petty jokes that are about Donald Trump’s hair engraved into your brain everyday over and over

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