How Does Soccer Affect The Mind

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It is true that soccer is one of many ways to get exercise, but it is unique because it is so popular and there are a variety of ways it can help a person, like the mind, body, and communication skills. It was one of the first sports invented, so much research has been done on the sport. Playing a sport, especially soccer, not only involves working the body but the mind as well. Some of the ways the brain is used are attentiveness, vision, strategizing and quick decision-making. Soccer stimulates the mind and gets the body moving. It is also a team sport, which promotes working with peers and even your best friends. Even though many may not enjoy the sport, or may be too timid to try a new sport, soccer is beneficial to the body and improves the mind because it improves certain parts of the brain and builds muscle. Soccer, known as football or fútbol in many other countries, is believed to have started in ancient China. “The History of Soccer” states, “Records trace the history of soccer back more than 2,000 years ago to ancient China. Greece, Rome, and parts of Central America also claim to have started the sport; but it was England that transitioned soccer, or what the British and many other people around the world call …show more content…

For one thing, it is a way to do something that is fun and is possible to do until the age of around 35 or 40, depending on a person’s shape. Another benefit is the fact that it makes enough money for life. This makes for an easy retirement without having to worry too much about money. The actual career is the most intense type of soccer that can be played, with the benefit of very good coaching. It is also possible to watch games over again because professional games are usually recorded, so mistakes can easily be identified and corrected. Overall, playing soccer professionally is a good way to make money while having fun at the same

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