How Does Shakespeare Present The Jealousy In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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One of the main conflicts in “A Midsummers Night’s Dream” is romantic love, and the jealousy that arises from it. In “A Midsummers Night’s Dream,” Shakespeare presents both sides of romantic love, detailing Lysander and Demetrius’ love for Hermia as well as presenting the jealousy that arises from Helena because of it. Because both sides of love are presented, readers are able to see how both sides are able to transform people. The true love between Lysander and Hermia transforms Hermia for the better, giving her the personal strength and bravery to stand up to Theseus and her father to fight for her love instead of remain the submissive girl she was taught to be. The jealousy that spawned from the romantic love that Demetrius had for Hermia transformed Helena for the worse, however. Helena was so lost in her infatuation for Demetrius, she was willing to betray her life-long friend Hermia by telling Demetrius of Lysander and Hermia’s plans to elope together. Helena was willing to ruin Hermia’s one chance at happiness for the slight chance that …show more content…

Hermia and Helena share a deep platonic love, because they had grown up together and were virtually inseparable. This love is shown when Hermia is willing to tell Helena of her plans to run away with Lysander, despite the obvious risks of letting another person know of such a secret. Just as with the romantic love, Shakespeare displays both the positive and negative transformations that platonic love can cause. The negative transformation occurs when Helena starts insulting Hermia about things she knew Hermia was insecure about. The only way Helena knew which things Hermia felt insecure about was because of their platonic love and trust. The positive transformation occurs when even after all the events that transpired, because of their love for each other, Hermia and Helena are willing to forgive the fight they had and the betrayal of Hermia’s trust by

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