How Does Shakespeare Present Ambition In Macbeth

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In the play Macbeth written by William Shakespeare, there is a deep relation to ambition. Macbeth's ambition started after the witches told him that he was going to be king after Duncan died, so then Macbeth and Lady Macbeth just decided to kill Duncan. After this first murder he then decided that he would do anything to keep his crown, since he was so hungry for power. Guilt soon got the best of him which then led to his demise.
Macbeth was not always the ambitious person that he became. Without the help of Lady Macbeth, Macbeth would have never killed Duncan and would have never became the king of Cawdor until Duncan died of a natural death. “But screw your courage to the sticking place and we’ll not fail.” (1.7.70) Lady Macbeth is telling Macbeth the plan and telling him that he plan will not fail. She is the one who came up with the plan, therefore she is the ambitious one now, …show more content…

You can see this when Macbeth comes home after killing Duncan and he is full of guilt due to the fact that he still has a human part in him and taking the life of another person pains him. The blood on the daggers that he used to kill Duncan remind him that he did kill someone. Macbeth can’t get that image out of his head for the time being, but after time he becomes more ambitious and loses the human side of him. All he is worried about now is getting everyone and everything out of his way. He doesn’t care about the blood that has to be shed or the lives that have to be taken. If he can stay in the power position then he is happy. You can also see this theme in Lady Macbeth when she says “..Making the green one red.” (2.2.81) Lady Macbeth ones to become evil and lose the human side of her just like Macbeth is. This allows her to arrange killings without feeling bad about it and gives he an excuse for the murders her and Macbeth are

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