How Does Reality Tv Affect Teens

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In what ways does reality television impact teenage girls? Reality television affects teenagers to getting exposed to sex, drugs, vulgar language and excessive fighting, the lack of focus on the importance of intelligence and real world success, the way they dress and act. These are all ways that reality television has affected teenagers. Getting exposed to sex, vulgar language and excessive fighting is something that teenage girls are impacted on. Getting exposed to sex, vulgar language and excessive fighting can be found on Jersey Shore. The show Jersey Shore (where 8 young adults live for the summer and work in a tee-shirt store owed by the owner of the tee-shirt store and live for free as long as they work in the tee-shirt store) shows that it is “fine” for young women to go out and come home with a different guy every night and simply “hook-up” with a man. They also show that it …show more content…

I am not even going to lie I do personally believe that this does affect the way us young teenage girls do focus on the real world success. I think this because I do it myself. I did a survey on a dozen girls. I split them in half and I asked each of them to answer a couple of questions truthfully. How many of you watch reality television? How many of you do what you see on television and think you will get away with it? And so forth. Many of them there results came out to thinking that what they see on reality television is okay to do in actual reality. They want to be like everyone on T.V. Many young women lack of intelligence because of the way they think. They think how the reality starts think. But not thinking that the reality stars have already there life set. They have the money and the fame. Where to as teenage girls still have to work for it. Our life is just beginning and there life has already begun they can act the way they act and get away with it cause their

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