How Does Pitbulls Cause Aggression

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Dog Aggression and people aggression are two distinctive traits and should not be confused. Unless a pitbull has been poorly bred or purposefully trained to attack humans, they generally love people. They are one of the most loving, loyal, friendly and dedicated companies you can have. Pitbulls are eager to please people and will do almost anything his owner ask of him. Pitbulls are one of the most misunderstood dog breeds in the world.
Unless a pitbull has been poorly bred or purposefully trained to attack humans, the generally love people. They are not born aggressive dogs, under the right circumstances, either a submissive or a dominant puppy may become aggressive.

When large animal-baiting was outlawed more than 200 years ago, people bred the English bull dog with a smaller, more energetic and agile terrier to produce the ultimate athletic dog perfect for fighting other dogs. Since 1980’s the media have falsely portrayed the pitbull as a blood-thirsty monster. Pitbulls are the most frequently abused, tortured, abandoned and euthanized breed of dog in the U.S. …show more content…

Potential owners must realize this breed was developed, in part, to fight other dogs. Even among lines of dogs never fought, dog aggression is always possible. A dog’s tolerance level depends on both environmental factors (how the dog was trained, handled and socialized) as well as his/her genetics. It’s also important to understand dog tolerance levels change based on individual circumstances and

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