How Does Netflix Stand In Society?

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Sometimes I really miss video stores; the experience of walking into a huge store filled with shelves of films, TV shows and video games was lost in the upheaval of modern technology taking the lead in entertainment. Now you can simply walk up to a Redbox and choose from a semi limited selection of films and games at a far lower price, but like video stores there is a late fee if your item is not returned on time. Though if you are looking for a larger catalogue there’s always Netflix who’s fully costumed to providing customers with an entirely at home service that takes late fees out of the equation. Netflix started business in 1997 as simply a service for online movie rentals. Two years later they extended their service to a subscription …show more content…

They equipped their company with many internet and content providers to reach a wider audience thus ensuring the survival and growth of the company by casting a wider net on the market. As well their steady growth in streaming on several devices has shown great innovation. This all has worked towards the satisfactory of the consumer whom is receiving a variety of content that is easily accessible, starting with a free month trial which is followed by plans starting a $7.99/month. So where does Netflix stand in society? Well they helped start a trend of giving the costumer accessibility and control. They’re home base is here in the US, and while many of the jobs are localized to the California region there are still many jobs available with them throughout the country helping economic growth. As well the fact that they stream content means the waist produced is minimal; even the packaging used for mailing is minimalistic as well as reusable. Netflix makes a profit by being at the top of their game. There are many competitors in the streaming racket now with Hulu, Amazon and Redbox just to name a few. They’ve stayed ahead by keeping competitive prices. Though it is easy to see that they may be taking a risk with having too much content because said content is expensive and bites into the profit a bit. So taking that into consideration the price of being a member will most likely rise but as long as costumers a made aware of the value of their monthly

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