How Does Napoleon Change In Animal Farm

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In the book Animal Farm by George Orwell the animals rebel against their master Mr. Jones and take over the farm. Once the farm had been taken over the pigs take control and begin to try to make everything equal. This slowly changes when Napoleon takes over and begins to change the rules and commandments. The pigs are responsible for all of the bad things that have happened on the farm. The pigs are the reason why nothing if equal or fair.
One example of the pigs changing and making animal farm worse is in chapter seven. In chapter seven Napoleon kills the animals that he thinks will have a bad effect on his power. One of the farms commandments at the beginning of the rebellion was to never kill any other animals. Napoleon has Squealer change the commandments so the other animals will not get mad or be angry at Napoleon. Another example of the pigs changing animal farm is when Napoleon begins to associate with man. He begins to negotiate with Mr. Frederick and Mr. Pilkington. This is when Napoleon breaks another rule of the commandments put in place at the beginning of the story. The commandment was to never engage in trade or deal with money. Which is exactly what Napoleon does. Napoleon if constantly breaking rules and allowing the other pigs to break the rules too. When …show more content…

In chapter eight Napoleon decides that all the sugar will go to the pigs and the pigs only. In the early days of the rebellion the commandments say that the animals will all have equal rations. But throughout the story Napoleon slowly begins to take away the other animals rations and give them to the pigs. Also in chapter eighth Napoleon decides to instate two new rules. The rules are the other animals must step off a path if a pig is coming and that they can wear green ribbons. At the beginning of the rebellion it is made clear that the animals shall never act like humans, and should always be treated

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