How Does Marjane Use Imagery In Persepolis

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Marjane Satrapi is an Iranian-born French novelist, who wrote Persepolis. Her novel is a graphic autobiography about her life growing up during the Islamic revolution. Her novel talks about her relationship with God, her family, her struggle to cope with the new laws, and her religion. Marjane’s novel requires the reader to analyze the images because the text will not completely give away her meaning in the novel; in other words, there is a deeper meaning to everything in her novel. The image on is located on the bottom row in the right corner on page 17. In the image Marji is laying in bed with her head on the pillow and her sheets over her body. She is wearing white pajamas with black dots on them. Her room is pitch black, but her and part of her bed is covered in light. Her eyes are wide open and tears are running down her face. She is asking God where he is because he did not show up that night. Even though the reader cannot physically see God, the light shown on Marji’s face lets the reader conclude that God is with Marji. God always visited Marji at night time, but this night he was nowhere to be found. God is not present because Marji had been whining to go to the demonstration, but her parents were not allowing her to go. …show more content…

Marji has always had a strong relationship with God, and religion has always been important to her; in fact, she was “born with religion” (p. 6). Although sometimes she can drive God away, like when she told her parents that she wanted to be a doctor instead of a prophet and God confronted her (p. 9-13). Marji can also get distracted and ignore him, and then when he is gone she moves on until she needs something from him or needs him, himself (p. 16-17). Even though God and Marji are not entirely focused on each other, they still love one

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