How Does Lord Of The Flies Relate To Social Psychology

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In the movie Lord of the Flies (Lord of the Flies, 1990), the field of psychology uses a lot of themes but the main ones that will be discussed and most relevant in today’s society were, conformity, the bystander effect, and verbal bullying and aggression. Lord of the flies was based off a group of young British boys who were stranded on an uninhabited island while attempting to govern themselves. Throughout the paper, the ways in how Lord of the Flies correlates to the social psychology themes will be explained. The first theme that will be discussed is conformity. Conformity plays a big role in the movie, so it’s important people know what conformity actually means in “psychological” terms. It’s defined as “A type of social influence in which individuals change their attitudes or behavior to adhere to existing social norms”(Branscombe, N.R., & Baron, R.A. 2017). Conformity goes all the way back into the 50’s when the Cold War was going on. Once the war was over, men and women went back to their traditional roles; men were working and women were home. Lord of the Flies has many examples of conformity but the main ones that were found while watching the movie were, hunting, British government, and simon’s death.
Hunting was a big part of Lord of the Flies, in the sense that they were forced to hunt for food and …show more content…

While he was laying there, the other group didn’t even think about if he was okay, or say sorry, they just stared. One of the boys said, “you’re out of it boy, you’re on your own” (Lord of the Flies, 1:14:28). This quote points out they lost a sense of individualism being on the island for so long not having any restrictions or rules. They were developing their own rules and society. Ralph thought the other team would come and help Piggy, even though they were the ones that caused his death. They figured Ralph would do all the work (Lord of the Flies,

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