How Does Lee Show Empathy In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the story, Scout had returned to her first day of school feeling pleasant but discouraged. She had seen Walter Cunningham on the yard and on his way to the same class as Scout. A new teacher Miss Caroline had been their teacher and does not understand her students yet. During lunch, Walter Cunningham was the only one without a lunch and Miss Caroline had offered him a quarter and suddenly Scout had yelled out about Walter, how he is a cunningham and has no money to pay back. Scout attempted to help her but her efforts to help are only rebuke by Miss. Caroline. Miss Caroline yells at Scout, Scout begins to get furious for trying to help and fights with Walter and again Miss Caroline shouts out at Scout. Scout returns home to her father and explains the situation at school to Atticus. Atticus asks Scout to understand the situation from Miss Caroline's point of view, Miss Caroline can't …show more content…

He asks Scout to look at things from Miss. Caroline's point of view to see how she may struggle with her new job. He says to Scout ‘“you never really understand a person until you consider things from their point of view”’, Scout says sir but Atticus replies ‘“until you climb into their skin and walk around in it”’ (Lee 39). I think these quotes relate to my thesis because it demonstrates empathy on how Atticus understands the situation and Miss Caroline’s point of

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