How Does Holden Mature In Catcher In The Rye

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Holden Caulfield is a very relatable character for teenagers in The Catcher in the Rye, he is a very angsty teenager who just wants to be accepted by others. Throughout the story, Holden is scared because things around him are changing and Holden hates that. After being kicked out of school, Holden is worried because he does not know what he should do or where he should go. So, he tries to find comfort from other people he knows. Throughout The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield seeks the acceptance of many different people, he seeks acceptance in a prostitute, one of his old professors, and even his little sister Phoebe. Holden first tries to reach out to a prostitute that he hires for $5. However, Holden becomes too scared, so he decides to talk to the woman. Holden wants the woman to help him figure out his problems and just make him feel better emotionally. Unfortunately, the woman did not want to talk about Holden and his problems, so she tries to leave and asks for $10 instead of the decided $5. Holden refuses to pay the extra $5, so the woman gets her “boss” Maurice to try and get the extra $5 from Holden. Maurice comes by Holden’s apartment and beats up young Holden and then …show more content…

His professor, Mr. Antolini, accepts Holden’s request and even invites him to dinner and some drinks afterword. When Holden arrives, Mr. Antolini and his wife seem happy to see Holden, so the three of them share many drinks together. Holden then decides that he needs to get some sleep, so Mr. Antolini leaves Holden to fall asleep on his couch. Holden wakes up the next morning to the feeling of something on his hand, it turns out to be Mr. Antolini caressing Holden’s hair while he was sleeping. Holden did not know what to do after Mr. antolini’s actions, so Holden left their house. Before going to Antolini’s home, Holden was at his house house talking to his little sister

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